LinkedIn Video Posting Mistakes That Destroy Your Audience for Lifetime

LinkedIn Video Posting Mistake That's Turning Off Your Audience

LinkedIn video posting is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and sharing your expertise. But if you don’t adhere to standard practices, viewers might not notice or interact with your videos. You can learn how to avoid the most typical LinkedIn video posting mistakes by following this article.

What are the benefits of posting videos on LinkedIn?

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Benefits of posting videos on LinkedIn

The use of video in content marketing is here to stay and is the way of the future. Because everyone in social media like & enjoys watching video material the most. Videos can effectively display your company’s name and products in a way that other forms of material cannot. They can give a step-by-step explanation of how something works, give an inside glimpse at your company, or explain difficult concepts in a clear and interesting way.

By using LinkedIn video, you can establish credibility with your audience. People are more inclined to connect with you and feel confident doing business with you when they can see that there are actual people behind your brand.

Here are a few advantages of using LinkedIn video posting:

  • Increased engagement: Compared to other types of content, videos are more likely to be shared and commented on. This means that LinkedIn video posting can increase your audience reach and lead generation.
  • Improved SEO: Videos are given a higher search result ranking on LinkedIn than other types of content. This implies that potential clients are more likely to see your videos.
  • Brand recognition and awareness: LinkedIn videos can help you increase brand recognition and awareness. People are more likely to remember your brand and what you have to offer after seeing your films.
  • Enhanced brand reputation: LinkedIn videos can also helps you establish a good name for yourself and demonstrate to your audience your position as a thought leader in

The moment has come to incorporate video into your content marketing plan, if you haven’t already. LinkedIn video posting are an effective tool for engaging your audience and achieving your marketing objectives. But always be aware & avoid mistakes.

7 Mistakes That Cause You to Lose Followers

Image of LinkedIn video making mistakes that cause you to lose followers
7 Mistakes That Cause You to Lose Followers

Here are the 7 big mistake that people often do while making a LinkedIn video –

  1. Aspect ratio: utilizing an improper aspect ratio, such 4:3 or 1:1.
  2. File type: using a file format that isn’t supported, such AVI or WMV.
  3. File size: uploading an excessively huge video file.
  4. Video format: using a video format that isn’t supported, such MPEG-2 or VP9.
  5. Audio format: using an audio format that isn’t supported, like MP3 or Vorbis.
  6. Frame rate: using a frame rate that is too low, like 24 or 15 frames per second.
  7. Bit rate: using an inadequate bit rate.

Avoid Mistakes That Cause You to Lose Views

Image of the mistake that need to be solved to avoid loosing views on LinkedIn video post
Avoid Mistakes That Cause You to Lose Views

Avoid these 7 common mistakes to keep your followers engaged and coming back for more. Consider the below tips while making a video – 

  1. Aspect ratio: For your videos, LinkedIn suggests utilizing a 16:9 aspect ratio. Your movies will display best on LinkedIn because most televisions and computer displays utilize this aspect ratio.
  2. File type: MOV and MP4 files are supported by LinkedIn. Since MP4 is the most popular video file format, it’s a decent option for most users.
  3. File size: LinkedIn advises keeping video files under 50MB in size. LinkedIn will compress your video if it is larger than that, which may lower its quality.
  4. Video format: LinkedIn advises utilizing the H.264 video codec for videos. This codec generates high-quality video with comparatively tiny file sizes and is widely supported.
  5. Audio format: LinkedIn advises utilizing the AAC audio codec for the audio format. This codec also generates high-quality audio and is widely supported.
  6. Frame rate: LinkedIn advises utilizing a frame rate of at least 30 frames per second. Your films will appear smooth and expert as a result.
  7. Bit rate: Your videos will be crystal-clear and crisp if the bit rate is high enough.

The Secret Trick to Getting More Views

Image of secret tips to increase more views on LinkedIn video post
The Secret Trick to Getting More Views

Everyone wants their LinkedIn videos get a lot of views but only a few of them get that. Here are few additional tips which will help you get more views then before –

  • Do not upload videos that are excessively long or excessively short. LinkedIn suggests posting films between 1 and 3 minutes in length.
  • Do not post low-quality or poorly edited videos. LinkedIn users are busy professionals who do not want to waste time watching amateur videos. Edit your videos carefully and remove any unnecessary footage. 
  • Add a strong call to action at the end of your videos. Tell your viewers what you want them to do when they see your video, whether it’s to visit your website, subscribe to your newsletter, or follow you on social media.

By following these tips, you can create LinkedIn videos that are more likely to be seen and engaged with by your audience. Want to know more about others post type and LinkedIn ads? Read our other blogs on LinkedIn.


How can I promote my LinkedIn video posts?

  1. Post your videos on all of your social media platforms.
  2. Make your films available in pertinent LinkedIn groups.
  3. Ask other LinkedIn users to share your films by getting in touch with them.
  4. Promote your videos on LinkedIn by running advertising.

How can I make my LinkedIn videos more engaging?

Here are some ideas for improving the engagement of your LinkedIn videos:

  • Start with a compelling hook: The opening seconds of your video are vital for drawing in viewers. Start with a compelling opening, such a question, a fact, or a personal account.
  • Make use of stunning images: Make sure your videos are edited and lighted properly. Use eye-catching graphics to keep your audience interested.
  • Be genuine: People are able to detect fake. In your videos, be authentic and allow your personality shine through.
  • Including a call to action: Describe the action you want your audience to do after seeing your video. Do you desire that they go to your website? Do people follow your channel? Publish a comment? Give them instructions and make it happen.
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